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Welcome to the information page for the Donkey & Mule Registry of NZ administered by the Donkey & Mule Society of NZ.

You will find comprehensive information below about the Registry and how it works and can contact our Registrar for further information.

Registry Guidelines

Registry Forms
Donkey Registration
Mule Registration
Maturity Certification
Height Certification
Prefix Suffix Registration
Transfer (Lease)
Transfer (Ownership)
Transfer (Rehome)

***We’re currently updating these forms to be “fillable” on your computer and will have available as soon as possible. In the meantime, please print your form and complete then photo or scan and email to the Registrar***

Breed Registration Rules
American Miniature Mediterranean Donkey (AMMD)
Australian Teamster Donkey
English/Irish Donkey
New Zealand American Mammoth Donkey (NZAMD)
New Zealand Donkey (NZD)
New Zealand Miniature Donkey (NZMD)
Ponui Island Donkey
Hack Mule
Pony Mule

Peter van Dijk: +64 22 508 9350

The Donkey and Mule Society of NZ Inc.

© 2021 the Donkey and Mule Society of NZ Incorporated

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